Richard from Gillingham

Richard and his wife have always loved keeping fish, but their aquarium wasn't getting the attention it needed, they had a problem with their current external filter which wasn't helping the situation. Not only that, but the tank began to leak! Lots to sort out. 

Once the aquarium was resealed, the task of cleaning everything began. Cleaning all of the equipment, substrate and ornaments made a huge difference. Removing the old plants, separating, trimming and replanting them to encourage new growth was going to create a great base to start with. 
Stripping the filter back revealed an electrical problem, installing a new head had to be done, but installing the now running Eheim Pro filter was going to create a healthy aquarium for years to come. 

Now Richard has a blank canvas to create an amazing setup, over time the plants will create a carpet for Richard to plant around and in between, the addition of more rocks and wood are going to create more texture and depth for his next choice of fish. 
This set up is going to look great and Richard is just as excited as me!