Clair contacted me as she was having huge issues with her families small reef aquarium. They had moved house a few months ago and ever since the aquarium has been getting dirtier regardless of how much work she does to it. They have continuously lost fish and were getting to the stage of getting rid of it. She had been seeking advice from several shops but was getting very conflicting information none of which was working. They had a fantastic anemone which hosted both clownfish and damsels but lost it after the move.
I visited and provided a deep clean to the entire system using salted RO water, and biological additives to boost the efficiency of the filtration system.
Most importantly however was discussing with Clair why I was doing what I was doing, and how to create a healthy system through regular maintenance and the understanding of how her equipment works.
They now have the start of a great tank with the knowledge now to make it a pleasure to maintain and not a chore. Their enthusiasm has returned to the hobby and I cant wait to see how it turns out.