Melissa’s 200-litre marine aquarium

Some spaces don't suit a large piece of furniture for a fish tank, but Melissa and her family still wanted an impressive aquarium in their open plan kitchen. The solution is a stunning wall mounted 200-litre marine aquarium. However as everyone can relate to, an increasingly busy work and home life meant the aquarium became less of a priority. The aquarium was starting to become an issue, especially in such a prominent place in the home. Something had to be done to get this aquarium back to being the focal point it deserves to be.

We structured a regular maintenance programme involving weekly visits with large sand cleans and frequent water changes to improve the struggling water chemistry. The lack of maintenance and excess light was causing a huge amount of algae build-up, and debris building on the sand.

The results are there for all to see. Melissa and her family now have an aquarium they are enjoying again without it impacting their busy lifestyle.
And I think the aquarium looks stunning.