Dan’s Planted Set Up

This Covid pandemic has caused so many problems for so many people in so many ways.
So when I can bring a little bit of happiness to people, it makes a huge difference. 

I have known Dan and his family for many years, so when he started asking me about setting up a new planted aquarium for his living room I couldn't wait to get involved. We ran through several ideas until Dan settled on a Juwel Lido 120.

I picked up his aquarium and cabinet, and then through a series of video calls, we picked out substrate, wood and a selection of aquatic plants and mosses.

Then after delivering it... Another round of video calls to help guide them on the set up and aquascape. It was certainly a different way of doing things but in these uncertain times... We all have to stay safe. 

Now a short couple of months later... I think we can all agree... It looks stunning.